In this post learn how to access your account in Sales Navigator where you can change your password, track your app usage, update your subscription, buy calling credit and update your caller ID.
Accessing your account
To access your account, open the menu and tap the information icon ( ) next to your username.
Changing your password
Edit your password by tapping ‘Change Password’ in the ‘Profile’ section. You will need to type your current password to create a new one.
Manage your Account
Under the ‘Services’ section tap the information icon ( ) next to your service plan. Here you can track your app usage and see if you are reaching the limits of your plan. If you are reach your plan limits, you can also upgrade by tapping the ‘Upgrade’ button and choosing a new plan.
Create a Caller ID
Create a caller ID by tapping the information icon ( ) next to ‘Caller ID’. Choose ‘Mobile’, ‘Work’ or ‘Home’ to set the label of your caller ID. Enter your phone number and tap ‘Verify’. You will then receive an automated voice message with a verification code. Enter the 5-digit code and tap ‘Save’
If you do not wish to verify your caller ID at the moment, simply tap ‘Set to Unknown’.
Buy Calling Credit
If you run out of your free 60 mins of Sales Navigator Calling you can buy more at the bottom of the ‘My Account’ window.
Canceling your Subscription
Click here to learn more about how to cancel your Sales Navigator subscription in iTunes.
Thank you for using Sales Navigator for iOS! Please contact us with any more questions or feedback.