Sales Navigator for Salesforce helps you view your appointments and location-based meeting tasks up to a calendar quarter on the map to make planning future sales trips easier. In this post learn how to access the calendar range view, change the date and date range on the map.
Navigating the Calendar Range View
1. Open the Main Menu Bar
2. Tap on the Calendar Icon/date
3. Tap any date to change the map focus to that date.
4. Tap ‘Today’ to change the map focus to today.
Viewing Appointments/Meeting Tasks in a Date Range
To view appointments/meeting tasks over a date range on the map, follow Steps 1 and 2 above, then tap the white ‘Map’ bar at the bottom of the calendar and choose the range you would like to view.
Now you will see all appointments/meeting tasks for the date range on the map. Appointments/meeting tasks for the day the map is focused on will show appointment times and meeting stop numbers, while appointments/meeting tasks on the other days will just show the date.
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